Dex: Quaternions

Rotations with quaternions

(This is a Dex reimplementation of the @imadr's lovely little blog post Rotation with Quaternions that includes an example front-end in three.js.)

A quaternion is a 4 dimensional complex-like number, it has four components, three of which are the "imaginary" part.

$$ q = a+b\textrm{i}+c\textrm{j}+d\textrm{k} $$ $$ q = (b,c,d, a) $$ $$ \textrm{i}^{2}=\textrm{j}^{2}=\textrm{k}^{2}=\textrm{i}\textrm{j}\textrm{k}=-1 $$

We represent a quaternion with this data structure:

data Quaternion = Q {x:Float & y:Float & z:Float & w:Float}

The four components are usually ordered (w,x,y,z) but I like to put (w) at the end. Initializing a quaternion:

q = Q {x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0, w=4.0}
(Q {w = 4., x = 1., y = 2., z = 3.})

Quaternion magnitude

A quaternion is basically a 4 dimensional vector.

as_vec = \ Q{x,y,z,w}. [x, y, z, w]
from_vec = \ [x, y, z, w]. Q{x,y,z,w}

It has a vector magnitude (or norm, or length): $$||q|| = \sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}+w^{2}}$$

def magnitude (x:a=>Float) : Float = sqrt $ sum $ for i. x.i * x.i

Quaternion normalization

Like vectors a quaternion can be normalized by dividing each component by the magnitude:

def normalize (x:a=>Float) : a=> Float = 1.0 / (magnitude x) .* x

A special property of quaternions is that a unit quaternion (a quaternion with magnitude (1)) represents a rotation in 3D space.

Scaling a quaternion

Scaling a quaternion is multiplying each of its components by a real number (the scalar):

instance Add Quaternion add = \ x y. from_vec $ (as_vec x) + as_vec y sub = \ x y. from_vec $ (as_vec x) - as_vec y zero = from_vec $ zero
instance VSpace Quaternion scaleVec = \ s x. from_vec (s .* as_vec x)

Identity quaternion

There is a special quaternion called the identity quaternion which corresponds to no rotation:

ident = Q{x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, w=1.0}

Geometrically, we can also consider ((0, 0, 0, -1)) to be an identity quaternion since it corresponds to no rotation.

Quaternion multiplication

Multiplying two unit quaternions represents a composition of two rotations.

Quaternion multiplication isn't commutative . If we want to apply a rotation (q_{1}) then a rotation (q_{2}), the resulting rotation (q_{3}) is: $$q_{3}=q_{2}.q_{1}$$

Quaternion multiplication looks like this: $$q_{1} = a+b\textrm{i}+c\textrm{j}+d\textrm{k}$$ $$q_{2} = e+f\textrm{i}+g\textrm{j}+h\textrm{k}$$

$$ q_{1}.q_{2} = (ae-bf-cg-dh)+(af+be+ch-dg)\textrm{i}+(ag-bh+ce+df)\textrm{j}+(ah+bg-cf+de)\textrm{k} $$

instance Mul Quaternion mul = \ (Q{x,y,z,w}) (Q{x=x',y=y',z=z',w=w'}). Q { x = w*x' + x*w' + y*z' - z*y', y = w*y' - x*z' + y*w' + z*x', z = w*z' + x*y' - y*x' + z*w', w = w*w' - x*x' - y*y' - z*z' } one = ident

We will make this into a Monoid in Dex.

instance Monoid Quaternion mempty = one mcombine = \a b. a * b

Quaternion vs Euler angles

We use quaternions instead of Euler angles to represent rotations for a couple of reasons:

  • Euler angles suffer from gimbal lock
  • Interpolating between two Euler angles lead to weird results

We represent the orientation of an object using only a quaternion, then we multiply that orientation by another quaternion to rotate it.

However writing a rotation directly in quaternion form isn't really intuitive, what we do instead is *convert an Euler angle to a quaternion then use it for rotating.

If we have an Euler angle rotation in the order ZYX (Yaw -> Pitch -> Roll, we can chose any order but must stay consistent), we can convert it to a quaternion like this:

$$ q = \begin{bmatrix} \sin(x/2)\cos(y/2)\cos(z/2)-\cos(x/2)\sin(y/2)\sin(z/2) \\ \cos(x/2)\sin(y/2)\cos(z/2)+\sin(x/2)\cos(y/2)\sin(z/2) \\ \cos(x/2)\cos(y/2)\sin(z/2)-\sin(x/2)\sin(y/2)\cos(z/2) \\ \cos(x/2)\cos(y/2)\cos(z/2)+\sin(x/2)\sin(y/2)\sin(z/2) \\ \end{bmatrix} $$

data Euler = E (Fin 3=>Float)
def euler_to_quat ((E v):Euler) : Quaternion = [sx, sy, sz] = for i. sin v.i [cx, cy, cz] = for i. cos v.i Q { x = sx*cy*cz - cx*sy*sz, y = cx*sy*cz + sx*cy*sz, z = cx*cy*sz - sx*sy*cz, w = cx*cy*cz + sx*sy*sz }

Drawing with Quaternions

Libraries like three.js allow us to use quaternions directly for rotations.

This script implements a simple 3D box positioned based on a quaternion.

def show3D ((Q {x, y, z, w}): Quaternion) : String = "<iframe width=\"100%\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" onload=\"'px'\"; srcdoc='<html> <head><script src=\"\"></script> </head> <body> <script>const scene = new THREE.Scene(); // Generic scene construction const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 ); camera.position.z = 2; const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); // Create a pretty box with lights. const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); red = new THREE.Color(1, 0, 0); green = new THREE.Color(0, 1, 0); blue = new THREE.Color(0, 0, 1); var colors = [red, green, blue]; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { geometry.faces[4 * i].color = colors[i]; geometry.faces[4 * i + 1].color = colors[i]; geometry.faces[4 * i + 2].color = colors[i]; geometry.faces[4 * i + 3].color = colors[i]; } var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, vertexColors: true } ); // Add the cube to the scene const cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( cube ); // Rotate by our angles. cube.quaternion.copy(new THREE.Quaternion("<> (show x) <> ", " <> (show y) <> ", " <> (show z) <> ", " <> (show w) <> ")); renderer.render( scene, camera ); </script> </body> </html>'> </iframe>"
:html show3D one
rot = euler_to_quat (E [pi / 16.0, 0.0, 0.0])
:html show3D $ one <> rot
:html show3D $ one <> rot <> rot
:html show3D $ one <> rot <> rot <> rot
:html show3D $ one <> rot <> rot <> rot <> rot

All the way around!

rot2 = euler_to_quat (E [pi / 16.0, pi/8.0, 0.0])
:html show3D $ one * rot2

Quaternion Conjugate

The conjugate of a quaternion (q) is:

$$q^{*} = a-b\textrm{i}-c\textrm{j}-d\textrm{k}$$

def conj ((Q {x, y, z, w}):Quaternion) : Quaternion = Q {x=-x, y=-y, z=-z, w=w}

Quaternion Inverse

The inverse of a quaternion (q), is the conjugate divided by the magnitude squared: $$q^{-1} = \frac{q^{*}}{||q||^{2}}$$

def inv (q:Quaternion) : Quaternion = m = magnitude $ as_vec q 1.0 / (m * m) .* conj q

For unit quaternions, the conjugate is equal to the inverse. Multiplying a quaternion by its inverse results in the identity quaternion:

$$q.q^{-1} = (0, 0, 0, 1)$$

Let's try it out

q' = from_vec $ normalize $ as_vec $ Q { x=1.0, y=2.0, z=0.5, w=10.0}
:html show3D $ one
:html show3D $ one * q'
:html show3D $ one * (inv q')
:html show3D $ one * q' * (inv q')

Quaternion difference

The difference of two quaternions (q_{1}) and (q_{2}) is another quaternion (q_{3}) that rotates from (q_{1}) to (q_{2}):

$$q_{3} = q_{1}^{-1}.q_{2}$$

difference = \ a b . (inv a) * b
rot_right = euler_to_quat (E [0.0, pi/8.0, 0.0])
:html show3D $ rot_right
rot_right_down = euler_to_quat (E [pi/16.0, pi/8.0, 0.0])
:html show3D $ rot_right_down
rot_down = difference rot_right_down rot_right
:html show3D $ rot_down

Quaternion Exp and Log

The exponential and the logarithm of a quaternion won't be very useful by themselves, but we will use them to compute other functions later.

Given a quaternion (q = (x,y,z,w)) and its vector part (v = (x,y,z)), the exponential of that quaternion is also a quaternion, and it's given by this formula:

$$\exp(q) = \exp(w)\begin{pmatrix} \frac{v_{x}}{||v||}\sin(||v||)\\ \frac{v_{y}}{||v||}\sin(||v||)\\ \frac{v_{z}}{||v||}\sin(||v||)\\ \cos(||v||) \end{pmatrix}$$

def q_exp (q:Quaternion) : Quaternion = (Q {x,y,z,w}) = q v = [x, y, z] m = magnitude v [x', y', z'] = normalize v sin_v = sin m exp_w = exp w Q {x = x' * sin_v * exp_w, y = y' * sin_v * exp_w, z = z' * sin_v * exp_w, w = cos(m) * exp_w }

Tangent: to implement quaternion logs we need arccos. We don't have this yet in Dex so this is an approximation (

NVidia CG Toolkit 3.1. NVidia Corporation.

def acos (x:Float) : Float = negate = select (x < 0.0) 1.0 0.0 x = abs x ret1 = (-0.0187293 * x) + 0.0742610 ret2 = (ret1 * x) - 0.2121144 ret3 = (ret2 * x) + 1.5707288 ret4 = (ret3 * (sqrt (1.0-x))) - (2.0 * negate * ret3) negate * 3.14159265358979 + ret4

The logarithm of a quaternion is also a quaternion and is given by this formula:

$$\log(q) = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{v_{x}}{||v||}\arccos(\frac{w}{||q||})\\ \frac{v_{y}}{||v||}\arccos(\frac{w}{||q||})\\ \frac{v_{z}}{||v||}\arccos(\frac{w}{||q||})\\ \log(||q||) \end{pmatrix}$$

def q_log (q:Quaternion) : Quaternion = (Q {x,y,z,w}) = q v = [x, y, z] m = magnitude $ as_vec q [x', y', z'] = normalize v a = acos (w / m) Q {x = x' * a, y = y' * a, z = z' * a, w = log(m) }

Quaternion exponentiation

Raising a quaternion to a power results in either a fraction or a multiple of that quaternion. (q^{2}) represents twice the rotation of (q), and (q^{0.5}) represents half of that rotation.

$$q^{n} = \exp(n\log(q))$$

def q_pow (q:Quaternion) (n:Float) : Quaternion = q_exp $ n .* q_log q
:html show3D (q_pow rot_right 5.0)
:html show3D (q_pow rot_right 15.0)

Quaternion slerping

Arguably one of the most important advantages of quaternions, "Slerp" stands for spherical linear interpolation. It's a function thats takes three parameters: a quaternion (q_{1}), a quaternion (q_{2}) and an interpolation parameter (t) that goes from (0) to (1). It gives us an intermediate rotation depending on the value of (t).

$$\textrm{slerp}(q_{1}, q_{2}, t) = q_{1}(q_{1}^{-1}q_{2})^{t}$$

def slerp (q1:Quaternion) (q2:Quaternion) (t:Float) : Quaternion = q1 * q_pow ((inv q1) <> q2) (min 1.0 (max 0.0 t))
:html show3D one
goal = rot_right_down <> rot_right_down
:html show3D goal

Here's what it looks like each step of the way

:html show3D $ one
:html show3D $ slerp one goal 0.25
:html show3D $ slerp one goal 0.5
:html show3D $ slerp one goal 0.75
:html show3D $ slerp one goal 1.0